Report on the quality of life in European cities 2023

In the 2023 Report on the Quality of Life in European Cities, spanning 83 cities and over 70,000 interviews, key aspects of urban living are dissected. The findings offer a nuanced perspective on safety, job opportunities, housing affordability, and more.

The survey reveals a noteworthy trend—almost nine out of ten European citizens express satisfaction with living in their city. Notably, cities in eastern Member States showcase significant improvements in perceived quality of life.

In the perpetual debate between capital and smaller cities, the report nuances the discussion. While capital cities attract attention for job opportunities, smaller cities shine in terms of safety, cleanliness, and a quieter atmosphere. They emerge as favorable for older residents and families with young children.

Safety is a standout factor for non-capital cities, where residents feel more secure walking alone at night. These cities are also perceived as offering better public spaces, healthcare, and housing options. The satisfaction extends to migrants and families with young children, indicating their appeal to diverse demographics.

Only two Greek cities participate in the survey, Athens and Heraklion. Both are ranked below the average with Heraklion citizens satisfaction rate on their quality of life being 81% compared with 65% for Athens.

Interactive maps and charts accompany the report for all covered survey questions. The underlying data is accessible at the city level, ensuring transparency and fostering informed analysis.

In conclusion, the 2023 Report on the Quality of Life in European Cities is a valuable resource shaping the discourse on urban living. With a focus on safety, job opportunities, and more, the report contributes to ongoing dialogues about enhancing the quality of life across the continent.

You can read the report here.


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